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8 Facts About Home Wind Power Generation
by Gene Vent

Join the massive crowds that have gone to wind power, solar and other types of power generation. Save the planet, and save your money at the same time by employing residential wind power.

1. Residential wind power works by placing a wind generator on top of a high tower so that the wind turbine can collect the kinetic energy of the wind and convert this kinetic energy into clean and green electricity. Residential wind turbines of more than 1 kW are now functioning in several countries, in every state in the union, and in every province of Canada. Windmills are a great way to cut down on power bills.

2. A home wind power system may take a few years to pay for itself at current energy prices, but who can say what your bills will be in the next few years? A properly installed system can last 25 years or more. In some places you can get a small tax credit to help you set up to connect to the local grid. Yes, if you produce more than you use, you can sell electricity to your local power company! What a happy day it is when you get your bill and, instead of owing them, they've enclosed a check!

3. Energy Ball widn turbines are really a family of windmills that take advantage of something called microwinds. They have a unique rotor design which encloses the generator itself. Energy Balls currently are sold in sizes of either 1 meter or 2 meters in diameter.

4. A wind turbine uses the same physics as an airplane wing. Home and small industry generators come in the 1kw to 50kw range. Wind power generators can be made to automatically compensate for high winds or light power usage. One method involves turning the blades away from facing the full force of the wind. Other designs tend to just not speed up as much when the wind increases.

Some view wind towers as ugly and annoying. On the other hand, they are a lot prettier than power lines and smoke stacks from power generators.

5. You will need a method of storing excess electricity for when the wind is slow or calm. The best way of doing this is using what are called deep-cycle batteries. A good system will have enough storage capacity to hold the power needs of three days of no wind.

6. Electrical shortfall can be bought from your local electrical main. Alternatively, in applications where grid connection is not preferred or possible, the electricity generated from wind power can be fed directly to immersion heaters in the hot water storage tank in the building.

7. Some home wind power systems are tied into the local power grid. In times of excess, power is automatically sold and meterred to the local utility. In times of need, your system sucks power off the grid automatically and you are billed for what you use. All this can be easily done automatically but make sure the whole installation is approved by an electrician or other knowledgeable expert. Let electricity be your friend, not your enemy.

Building a wind generator from scratch is actually not as difficult as one may think. Get to know the technology available, make sure all local ordnances are obeyed and take your time. You are building for life.

There is evidence out there that birds, bats and other creatures are affected by home wind power generators. I personally believe this to be true, so make sure that your install is as far away from their natural habitats as possible. I like the little beasties too.

8. This is not brain surgery but, you can get hurt or operate a system that is inefficient. Spend a little money now to learn from the best. This will allow you to knowledgeably build a system that will efficiently and safely deliver savings to you for years.

About the Author:

Gene Vent is an Engineering Technologist. His lifelong mission has been to mix the latest in research with nurturing the environment. His greatest accomplishment has been to build a working partnership with a genius of innovation named David Knight. Learn all there is to know about solar and wind power generation at their do-it yourself site Home Wind Power


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